Squamous Cell Carcinoma



  • Primary cause of all skin cancers: Over 90% of skin cancers occur on areas of the skin that are regularly exposed to sunlight or other ultraviolet radiation.
  • Other risks
    • predisposition (skin cancers are more common in those who have light colored skin, blue or green eyes, and blond or red hair
    • chemical pollution
    • overexposure to X-rays or other forms of radiation
  • Squamous cell carcinoma occurs in the elderly, especially fair-skinned individuals.
  • It has the potential form distant or regional metastasis.
  • The incidence of Squamous cell carcinoma is thought to be on the rise in the general population
  • In 1990, 600,000 Americans were diagnosed with either basal cell cancer or squamous cell cancer, up from 400,000 in 1980.
  • These tumors are malignant

Location and Symptoms

It is most common along the lower eyelid margin. It occurs more often than basal cell in the upper lid and outer canthus. It represents only 5% of lid epithelial tumors.


Growth or Bump

  • Size: small
  • Texture: firm, surface scaly or crusted
  • Color: reddened
  • Shape: flat or nodu
Squamous Cell Carcino



  • Treatment consists of wide local excision.
  • Microscopic shaving (Mohs' surgery) could remove small tumors.
  • Skin grafts could be needed if wide areas of skin are removed


Malignant: Malignancy is the tendency of a cancer or tumor either to invade the surrounding tissues, to destroy or replace the tissues previously present or to metastasize (spread to other parts of the body)

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